So Why did I start this blog? My idea is that I have realized that I am not good at everything that I do.'s true. For those of you who believe that I excel at everything I try, I have found something at which I do not excel. However, I hope that with practice, this will change. Some things require hard work and writing is one of them. Perhaps writing one's thoughts day to day or week to week, or writing an article for an academic journal may be something with which I am familiar, but this does not translate well to writing novels.
Many of my fans (and I thank each and every one of you) may be saying to yourself "but I really enjoyed your book." Well, that may be true, but as with anything, there is always room for improvement. Why do I say this? I've been panned. Yes, it's true. Someone gave me what for. Someone who, over the past weeks, I have come to respect quite highly. Now, this person (and you know who you are) has been generous and honest, and offered to help me improve upon the skills that I already possess. And dare I say, I do possess some. It was a pretty good novel - or so my readers tell me. But it could have been so much more.
Let's face it, Rome wasn't built in a day. Heck, it took The Good Lord a full seven days to Create His masterpiece. And yet, here I am, brazen enough to think that because I've read a few good books, I can call myself an author. Well, actually...I am going to call myself an author anyway (just a novice author).
And so...with the tutelage of this wonderful person who smacked me upside the head and said "Yo - you are NOT on the PATH! It's over here...." and any fine people I meet upon the way, I will learn to become a brilliant author who will turn out great books that people will *love* to read. (I'm so humble).
This blog will share with you my experiences as I travel along this path, learn and grow. And along the way, I will be sharing my critiques of the books I read from my new *author* point of view as I learn the tools of the trade.
It's true. No author is perfect no matter how much we wish it. Although I have yet to publish a novel I have taken every workshop and piece of advice I could find in the hopes of becoming wise enough to make my eventual readers happy with my work. I'll join you on your quest, Linnea, as I too embark on the same path.
Welcome Talina! It's going to be a rough and dirty road. I've been through the brambles and been scratched up but it was worth it! I consider my first novel a success, even though it may not be perfect. I think my next novel will be better. The only way to go is up! This is going to be great FUN!
I'm on the rough and dirty road with y'all. Authors never stop learning. True fact. ~_^
Yup yup!
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