Monday, March 28, 2011

Blog Hop For Japan

The Blog Hop for Japan Giveaway
April 1st through April 15th
Hosted by The Bawdy Book Blog and My Shelf Confessions
As most of you know, Japan was recently struck with an 8.9M earthquake off its coast, which resulted in a devastating tsunami that wiped out tens of thousands of homes, cut off water supply and electricity and ended the lives of many (the death toll is still rising).  It's heartbreaking that mother nature can be so cruel.  But the human spirit, in all its glory, can rebound and move forward.  Every bit of help means something.

(For "before" and "after" pictures, click here.) 
Funds will be donated to Shelterbox.  More information will be provided as I obtain it.
I will be giving away an autographed copy of my book Love Immortal by Linnea Hall. 


Jennifer @ BookShelfery said...

Thanks for participating! Just wanted to drop in and say hello.

Jennifer @ The Bawdy Book Blog

LinneaHall said...

Thanks Jennifer! I think this is such a cool idea. I hope it raises a bunch of money for Japan!

tetewa said...

Great idea for a hop!

LinneaHall said...

Thanks Tetewa. I thought so too when I saw it. The woman at the Bawdy Book Blog are really on their toes!

Carol said...

I think this hop was a great way to raise money.

carolsnotebook at yahoo dto com

LinneaHall said...

Thanks Carol. I thought it was cool. I hope it raises a lot of money!


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